Podcast: Biofeedback History and Case Examples with Dr. George Davies

By |2024-02-27T15:35:31-05:00March 17th, 2024|Latest Articles|

At Combined Sections Meeting 2024 in Boston, Massachusetts I sat down with Dr. George Davies, a legendary athletic trainer, physical therapist, researcher, and educator whose contributions to the profession of physical therapy span nearly 60 years. We discussed how he has integrated biofeedback into his clinical practice over the decades, how it has evolved, and why it isn’t used more. Then we explored some very interesting case examples where George highlights how biofeedback improved muscle activation, function, and outcomes in his patients’. Finally, Dr. Davies chats about the importance of neurocognitive demand and reactive training in ACL rehabilitation and how certain features of the mTrigger biofeedback device could be incorporated into our clinical decision making process.

Check out my conversation with Dr. Davies as we discuss the history of biofeedback and some case examples utilizing the mTrigger Biofeedback device.

Key Take Aways

  • mTrigger biofeedback can help you get activation in patient who are struggling
  • a huge benefit of using mTrigger biofeedback is with relaxation training
  • physical therapist have been using biofeedback for over 40 years, and recent advances in technology have made it easy to use in clinical practice
  •  using mTrigger in conjunction to mirror feedback (diad training) can really help improve activation and minimize compensation patterns
  • the external rotators are the weakest muscle in the shoulder and by using biofeedback you can help patietns to see what they are doing

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Effects of Neurocognitive Demand



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